An extra serving of life energy!


Erase geopathic stress zones

The BIO-WAVER establishes a highly oscillating, right-turning field and is suitable both as the sole harmonizer of a sleeping area or a horse box, or optionally for further reinforcing a BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer module.

It functions as an energy booster for the workplace, at seminars, during sports, bedrooms, in the car, or at school. It is also suitable for use at home to energize water, juices, fruits and vegetables, or baby food.

The BIO-WAVER has been our best-selling product for 10 years.

More than 20.000 of these small universal helpers are already in use worldwide.

So far, we haven’t even had 20 returns!

Have you heard of Olaf the snowman?

Olaf is the living snowman from the Disney movie „Frozen“.

So that Olaf never melts, even in summer, Elsa conjures up a small cloud for him that snows constantly and follows Olaf wherever he goes. He carries around his own weather, so to speak.

Our BIO-WAVER works in a similar way.

If you have a BIO-WAVER in your pocket, you ensure a consistently high energy field wherever you go. Be it in your own bed, at a hotel, at work, in the car, at seminars, at sporting events, at school or in Kindergarden…

A BIO-WAVER gives you your own personal little health cloud, protecting you and your children not only from earth rays, such as from water veins, faults, or crossing points of the curry lattice network, but above all ensures that you are consistently supplied with more energy!

This is due to its high Bovis value of 29,000 Bovis, with a magnetic pulsation force of over 90%.

A Bovis value is comparable to the lens of a camera. Bigger number = More energy.

The magnetic pulse force, on the other hand, is the grounding counterforce. This is the force that, for example, allows a dandelion seedling to grow through asphalt. Due to the high pulse force, a high Bovis value is pleasant and balancing.

In the middle of last century, Wilhelm Reich achieved incredible therapeutic success in his research on a wide variety of serious diseases simply by providing his patients with a high-frequency energy field, promoting their natural self-healing capacities.

He used his orgone generators for this purpose, but it’s basically the same, whether the life energy is generated with an orgone generator, or with the oscillation of a BIO-WAVER.

An older video on the function of the bio-wafer:

"There are so many diverse uses for the Bio-Wafer that I, for example, always carry one with me in my computer bag. It means that I always have a good place to sit at meetings or seminars, no matter where I am. I’ve got another one on my desk as a drink coaster, so that every drink I consume is energized. Two more are in my children's backpacks, one is under our fruit bowl in the kitchen, one I have in the glove compartment of my car, and we’ve got one under the bed in our motorhome."
Sebastian Krueger
Building biologist | Naturopath
"There are so many diverse uses for the BIO-WAVER that I, for example, always carry one with me in my computer bag. It means that I always have a good place to sit at meetings or seminars, no matter where I am. I’ve got another one on my desk as a drink coaster, so that every drink I consume is energized. Two more are in my children's backpacks, one is under our fruit bowl in the kitchen, one I have in the glove compartment of my car, and we’ve got one under the bed in our motorhome."
Sebastian Krueger
Building biologist | Naturopath

An older video on the function of the BIO-WAVER:

Where does its energy come from?

The energy made available by a BIO-WAVER is natural, cosmic-terrestrial energy. A natural frequency spectrum is stored in the Bio-Wafer, exactly as it appears in nature.

Due to the vibrational properties of the crystal (a BIO-WAVER are made of silicon), this spectrum is distributed through an area with a radius of up to 5m, such that the field is constantly renewed.

It is the spectrum of a naturally occurring energy nexus, where three certain right-turning geological phenomena meet. Such a thing is very rare.

When you stand in such an energy nexus, you can literally feel yourself being energetically recharged and begin to feel very comfortable and balanced.

Eliminate radiation from water veins, faults, and grid intersection points locally and precisely

How does the BIO-WAVER offset earth rays?

In today’s world, it’s always and in all domains about balance. This is the 6th hermetic law – that of balance.

For everything in this world, there is a complement, i.e., a counterpart with inverted properties. For example, intersect a left-turning and right-turning water vein, and these fields largely balance each other out at such crossing points, although this of course depends on the strength of the veins in question.

It is not uncommon for someone to sleep on such a junction and not feel any strain, as the damaging field of the left-turning vein, both in polarity and charge, is balanced by a right-turning vein. The same is true for a curry lattice junction and a positive Hartmann grid junction. Again, the frequency is the same, but the polarity is inverted.

And it is precisely in this way that the BIO-WAVER offsets earth radiation. In addition to the pleasant and health-promoting effects and the increased energy supply, left-turning, harmful radiation fields are compensated for by the right-turning oscillations of the BIO-WAVER.

The BIOGETA® BIO-WAVER generates a right-turning field of 29,000 Bovis!


30 days money-back guarantee on all BIOGETA products!

Hello Mr. Krueger,

I’d like provide you some feedback on your Bio-Waver product.

  I’ve now been dealing with harmful energies in my household for a long time – almost 20 years – and have also attended a seminar on avoiding harmful radiation exposure. 

We changed the beds multiple times and bought various expensive products to try and eliminate the harmful radiation. After my husband and I found a place to sleep away from significant levels of harmful radiation, I stopped worrying about the matter. However, our son built a house last year and after half a year had a geobiological consultant examine the house.

Unfortunately, a strong, harmful radiation reading was taken in his sleeping area. This caught my attention. After many years of kinesiology testing, I established that our son had a severe health impairment.

I took to the Internet for an appropriate product, and that’s how I ended up on your site.

The Bio-Waver seemed perfect for the job, and so I ordered one.

I then placed the Bio-Waver on an interference field. The dowsing rod remained open, no longer indicating a fault zone. I couldn’t believe my eyes, and so I repeated the process over several days.

 So, I gave my son the Bio-Waver to try out. After just 3 days, my daughter-in-law called me and asked me to order another product from you. My son has been using the Bio-Wafer for about 14 days, and a new kinesiological test showed that his health problems had gone!

I’m so thrilled!

 I have already recommended your product to a friend.

Helga Riegl

Dear Mr. Krueger,

Thank you for the Biogeta Home Harmonizer and the Bio-Waver. I use the Bio-Waver to energize water, and I must say – I only ever want to drink water like this now.

Even when I’m at work, I always have my Bio-Waver in my pocket and clearly feel much better with it than without it.

I also really like the Home Harmonizer. I’m never going to let that thing go!

I can now sit at my computer without my head hurting. I also now sleep very well thanks to the Home Harmonizer and wake up very relaxed.

My face is no longer as swollen as it used to be in the morning, and I noticed that my breathing has become much more natural. I can really feel the harmonious energy field every time I enter my home.

I grew up in the countryside and so now that I live in a small town, the electrosmog is causing me a lot of trouble. I am very happy that I now have a Home Harmonizer. It gives me back some of my quality of life.

My only regret is that I didn’t buy a Home Harmonizer sooner. It is definitely worth the money and I will always recommend your products.

 It is of course fine if you want to publish my feedback on your website. I have already tried a lot to help with electrosmog and your products really did work the best.


Viktor Stoll