How Do You Feel?
How Do You Feel?
The main causes of illness are stress and lack of energy.
Our products help to minimize vegetative stress, stop energy loss and balance environmental stress.
Sebastian Krueger
Founder & Developer Biogeta® | Building Biologist | Naturopath
The BIOGETA® HOME Harmonizer balances out geopathic stress as well as radio and electrosmog loads in the entire house / apartment.
BIOGETA® BALANCE PENDANT to balance the polarities in the body. Effective protection against microwaves and radiofrequency radiation on the go.
BIOGETA® BIO-WAVER. The energy booster for the workplace, at seminars, under the bed, in the kitchen, in the car or at school.
The BIOGETA® CAR Harmonizer for on the road. Balances electromagnetic stress in a car.
BIOGETA® VAN Harmonizer balances electromagnetic stress as well as geopathic stress in a van or motorhome.
Spring water quality water from the tap. Harmonized, energized, restructured and purified!
The BIOGETA® BALANCE CHIP balances mobile phone/WiFi/DECT/Bluetooth pollution. For smart phone, tablet, laptop, gaming console, etc.